Proms 2012: the English Concert, Royal Albert Hall
Harry Bicket
Harry Bicket
Richard Haughton

This was a remarkable evening. A very remarkable evening. An exceptionally remarkable evening. While acknowledging that everyone’s idea of perfection is different, there seemed to be a consensus among the audience that this practically flawless performance of Bach’s B minor Mass was something quite extraordinary. It might perhaps be slightly out of keeping that a work of such rapt intensity and devotion should be followed by whoops of approval and wild cheering, but the impact of the music-making was such that the joy and enthusiasm it generated seemed only natural.

When, very near the end, that supreme young countertenor Iestyn Davies sang the “Agnus Dei” with such sublime, moving eloquence, it set the seal on an interpretation that had been conceived not only with the utmost care but with a depth of human feeling that was wholly enveloping.

Harry Bicket directed the English Concert and its Choir, establishing an ideal equilibrium whereby the soft timbres of the period instruments — notably the woodwind — could contribute their particular colours to the music’s atmosphere and the choir could express itself with point. What a terrific sound the choir made, absolutely spot on in articulation and diction and wonderfully fluid of dynamic shading in the way that individual parts emerged from the undulating counterpoint to enliven the textures in a manner Bach must surely have envisaged. Bicket set tempos that were just right for the mood and sense of each section of the Mass, spacious but with a good underlying pulse in such slow movements as the opening Kyrie and the “Gratias agimus tibi”, jubilant in the “Cum Sancto Spiritu”, explosive and incisive at the start of the Gloria and in the “Et resurrexit” from the Credo, where the three natural trumpets added glowing radiance, as they did throughout the performance when required to do so. Equally the mellifluous flute and gossamer-light strings were beautifully gauged for the soprano Joélle Harvey’s and tenor Ed Lyon’s singing of the “Domine Deus”, and the obbligato violin matched the elation of Carolyn Sampson’s “Laudamus te”.

But choosing individual components to praise is not perhaps the best way to conjure up the profound affect that this B minor Mass had. With first-rate forces at his disposal, Bicket — sometimes standing, sometimes accompanying at the harpsichord and ever alert to the music’s emotional fluxes — created a wonderfully organic entity and an indelibly poignant, probing performance of Bach’s masterpiece.

Geoffrey Norris, The Daily Telegraph
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