However, Haefliger displayed virtuosity when it was required. In the finale, his dexterity, lightness of touch and crystalline articulation enlivened the galloping runs and figurations. Throughout, Zinman and the orchestra's elegant, tight-knit accompaniment ideally complemented their stylish soloist.
Sydney Symphony. Piano: Andreas Haefliger Conductor: David Zinman.

Andreas Haefliger, piano
Marco Borggreve
Pianist Andreas Haefliger was the soloist in Beethoven's second piano concerto. Like Zinman, he has nothing of the showman about him, as his refined reading proved. Sustaining impressive tonal clarity and a fluid sense of line, Haefliger made a virtue of subtlety and grace. Timbral variety and dynamic contrast were nuanced rather than extreme. His sinuous adagio, spiced with tasteful trills and ornaments, culminated in a haunting solo of other-worldly beauty.
— Murray Black,
The Australian