The present recording of Beethoven's ‘Hammerklavier' Sonata and the ‘First Year' (Switzerland) of Liszt's Années de Pèlerinage shows a gifted pianist as the peak of his powers. I know few performers who have captured Beethoven's op.106 so convincingly on CD.
Haefliger's interpretation possesses visionary greatness and delves deeply into the music. During its 45 minutes the listener experiences mysterious sonorities, moments of lyrical intensity and highly introverted, almost spiritualized passages. And hardly another pianist is as successful in bringing out all the peculiarities, moments of longing and dance in Liszt's ‘Suisse'. In few other recordings does one experience these things with such primal force, new colours and new moods. And yet Haefliger is careful not to romanticize and avoids barnstorming and over-interpreted fussiness, instead imbuing the music with natural and sincerely felt expression.
The vivid recording technology optimally supports Andreas Haefliger's always subtle and perfectly shaped interpretations.
(English translation courtesy White Label Productions)